Thursday, February 14, 2013

day 3

What a day!! We were able to experience our first bullet train ride to get from Tokyo to Nagano. Was such an efficient and comfortable way to go that distance into the mountains. Here in Nagano we are staying in traditional temple lodgings, and have been running about the ryokan taking pictures of everything imaginable.

Once arriving and settling in we headed out to visit the Zenkoji Temple, which is what the town was developed around. The grounds are sprawling and full of ancient structures and carvings of every type. It was very peaceful, not bustling like the temple in Tokyo. My little crew browsed the street vendors and shops and munched on apple dumplings and ice cream that was buckwheat and green tea flavored. Surprisingly delicious!! I have a million pictures of the grounds and cannot wait to put them up!

After a lunch of soba and wandering those of us who were brave packed into taxis to visit the local onsen, which is a hot spring bath. Now, if you know anything about onsen, you will understand our you MUST enter the baths in the nude and it is public. The baths are separated by sex, but it is traditional to have coed. This one was separate. Our tour leaders are men, so it was up to me to lead the women in the proceedings as there are rules and etiquette to follow. I wish I could just live at a hot was amazing!!!!! Soaking in the warm water looking at the gorgeous mountain scenery and having casual conversation is officially one of life's greatest pleasures.

After our relaxing bath we got ready for dinner and went to an Italian place that our guide Tyler thought was the best food in town, and it was! The best Italian food I've ever had was in Japan. Rahul and I spent the several hours sharing a bottle of Japanese wine and discussing social issues, which we both agreed on so it was an animated debate that was teaching no one anything. After dinner a few of us wandered the temple at night to enjoy the lights, as there was a festival celebration going on

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