Monday, February 11, 2013

in flight

Here I am, 30,000+ ft in the air and I'm writing my blog post to publish once I land. It's a 13 hr flight from Toronto to the Narita Airport in Tokyo, and right now there are 3 hrs left!! So close!

I regret not bringing my knitting with me, I was trying to save space in my luggage and decided to just sleep and play around on the iPad. However, Air Canada has a pretty awesome movie and tv show selection so I've been enjoying watching a few things. Currently have an episode of Property Brothers playing :) can't live without my Scott brothers!!

The best thing about this flight is that I have an entire row of seats to myself..literally. I paid thousands less for my economy class seats than the premium ones, and yet I guarantee you I have more room than they do!! Been stretched out and took a good nap, easy when you can just put up the arm rests and lay completely flat with all 3 of the complementary pillows!!!

Also, the mid-flight Cup of Noodles Ramen was awesome. I love me some instant ramen, and somehow it tasted even better in the air.

Only downside is that now I have 3 hrs left to go and I'm completely freaking out. I don't feel prepared at all and am incredibly nervous. (Probably should have brought a Valium to take at the beginning of the flight....)

I haven't had a chance to practice my Japanese yet. Which is a funny story actually! Because I had my connection through Toronto, the people aboard this flight assume that I'm Canadian, as they weren't with me on the little prop plane from Columbus. And so they've been speaking to me in French. Broken French with a Japanese accent actually...and it's incredibly strange. I'm one of 3 white people on board. Having lived in Dublin, OH my entire life, this is a first for me. But I feel like I fit right in, I broke open my chopsticks and dug right into my ramen happily slurping away!! The guy across the aisle gave me a satisfied nod that I asked for and could use chopsticks (that's a win in my bookn!!!)

Well, I'll post this once we land and I have wifi again, just had some time to kill and felt like updating :)

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