Thursday, February 14, 2013

day 4

Nagano & Matsumoto

We woke up extremely early yesterday to go to the Zenkoji Temple for morning chants/ blessings. Our guide for the temple led us about the grounds and described the history of each area and cultural ways of the Buddhist monks and nuns. It was a terribly cold morning but the chill meant that fewer people were there, so it made it much more intimate. To begin the services we all hurriedly lined up inside the temple main gate and kneeled to allow the head monk of the temple to bless us as he entered the grounds. He and his procession were in full garb and even their wooden sandals were beautiful. After they proceeded into the temple we followed and took off our shoes to go down under the altar and touch the 'key to paradise', which is the closest a layman is allowed to be to the Buddha enshrined in the temple. I would describe the key, but we were in total darkness and could see nothing as we wound around the passageways hoping to not fall over or run into a wall.

Then we all went onto the tatami in front of the altars and observed the monks morning rituals. Spine tingling doesn't begin to cover it!!!! The chanting and drums were mesmerizing, and being exhausted from the early morning it was a wonderful lull. Aside from the freezing cold we would have been almost in a trance.

Once they finished the morning rituals we went back to the ryokan to have a traditional breakfast before packing up to go to the SNOW MONKEYS!! We took a bus into the mountains and after a gorgeous hike through the cedar trees in the snow we came to the hot springs where they stay. The macaques were everywhere and in no way afraid of people. Watching them yell at each other and jump and swim in the water was a beautiful nature experience. I took plenty of pictures ;)

Then we had hands down the weirdest experience. A few of us tailed our tour guide to lunch in a classic French noir themed restaurant that served curry, was playing Eye of the Tiger, and had Tom and Jerry cartoons on. It was bizarre! Even the locals there were giggling about the various decorations.

After lunch it was a short train ride to Matsumoto, and we spent the rest of the afternoon wandering the city, talking, and enjoying the time. This city is a gorgeous mix of old and new with many picturesque spots. For dinner we headed to a ramen shop and then out for drinks at a bizarre little bar and then a British pub. Been a good time here!!!

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