Sunday, February 24, 2013

yokohama & leaving

The following morning a few of us got up early and headed out to the Golden Pavillion to catch it in the morning light for pictures. It was a beautiful way to end our time in Kyoto, the sun was out, the water shining, just absolutely perfect. We then loaded back into a train for a ride into Yokohama for our last evening together. My group headed off for the Ramen Noodle Museum, which yes it IS a real place. Our best way to describe it was that it felt like a fever dream. We weren't fully sure if it was real life everything was so exaggerated and crazy. However, was definitely the way to end a trip to Japan!

We then had a last meal of Chinese food before taking Tyler out for a drink and to all reminisce on the past 2 weeks that we had spent together. There are so many more memories than the ones I've written down and I'm sure ill be blogging about them in the future. The next morning we congregated at the station for some coffee before boarding our trains to go home or to the next stop.

I hated to say goodbye to everyone. I made some amazing friends along the way and while we can of course stay in touch on Facebook, I was really sad to see everyone go. It was two weeks of amazing sights, delicious food, and incredible people. Now we can start planning our InsideVietnam Reunion Tour 2014!!!!

Sayonara Japan!! (for now)

Saturday, February 23, 2013


And once again I am posting very late...had far too much fun to sit and write anything out!

We got into Kyoto from Kurashiki and quickly dropped off our bags in the ryokan before heading out to Gion district, which once was, and still is, a geisha district. If you have ever read or watched Memoirs of a Geisha, that is the area that the story is based on. And the streets and alleys are just as breathtaking as they are depicted. We were even fortunate enough to see two geisha coming back from classes in their day wear! We wound our way through this area before going to a temple and garden to take pictures and wander a bit. Then we headed back into the shopping area for conveyor belt sushi!! It was such a novelty to be able to do that, and we all ate our fill of fish, fugu, and horse meat. Which yes, was on the sushi belt.

That night we hung out at a small local bar with some friends that Tim had made on his day trip with his parents before we went back to the ryokan and rested up for the next day.

Next day was the final test for the two tour guides in training so we picked one to go with for their tour of Kyoto. I went with the tour to the Inari Shrine which is famous for its thousands of vermillion torii gates. It was breathtaking, and so perfectly situated in nature. We also went to the temple that houses 1001 golden statues of Buddha, which was an intense spiritual experience. I'm not Buddhist, but even so I could understand and feel the power that the temple instilled. We then had a stop for curry before going on a hunting adventure for a little yarn shop for me! And I found my yarn so now I can make a project to remember the trip by!!

That evening we had a last dinner for the Stucka family who were leaving us early and went out for another night of karaoke to celebrate. Our time in Kyoto was brief, but filled with culture and gorgeous surroundings. Wish we could have stayed for weeks more!!

days....I don't remember, too many now!!

We've been having so much fun that I've been too excited and tired to write everything down!!

The morning we left for Hiroshima I chose to sleep in a bit as I was fairly under the weather. I'm glad I did because we had early rain showers, so I stayed nice and dry. A few braved the weather to see the nearby gardens, but reported that the rain made it difficult to see it at its best.

We then boarded a bullet train and headed to Hiroshima! Of all the urban cities we have seen so far this city is my favorite. The people are incredibly kind, everything is nice, and there are lots of things to see. The train ride took up the afternoon so once we checked into the hotel we went out on the town to get the local food, okonomiyaki, which is an 'as you like it' noodle pancake. It was DELICIOUS!!! We then split off and us younger ones went out for karaoke! It was incredibly fun, and we had a great time belting out songs and laughing.

The next morning we could chose one of two destinations, either the Mazda factory museum or the island of Miyajima. I wanted to go to the Mazda factory but am glad I picked Miyajima. This island is home to the massive red torri gate that appears to be floating in the sea during high tide. And the entire island is truly picturesque. We spent the morning and early afternoon wandering a beautiful temple complex in the hills and shopping around the city. Also, they had friendly deer!!

Once back into Hiroshima we were given free reign to view the Peace Park and Museum at our own pace, which was a wise choice as it was a difficult afternoon of learning. Of course we all know that a nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima during WWII, but this museum showed exactly what happened when that bomb hit. I have never felt saddened towards my country before, but at the end of the route through the museum all of us Americans agreed that we felt immensely guilty. The stories of the children who were affected were especially heartbreaking.

On that note, we then had a relaxing evening of some Indian curry and some more wandering about the shopping areas before turning in.


The next morning we left for Kurashiki and arrived before noon. We mainly used the city as a hub for smaller excursions, and I chose to go with the group to take a bike ride through the countryside. We had a 12 mile ride through the rice fields, small towns, and hillside themes and shrines. It was absolutely beautiful, and I'm really hoping that if I get the teaching position I'm applying for that I am posted to a school out in the country.

We got back into Kurashiki around dinner time and I chose to skip dinner and instead spend the evening to myself and get a very early bed time, as today we are heading to Kyoto!! I wanted to be well rested and ready to go, there is so much to do and see in Kyoto :)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

days 5 & 6

Matsumoto & Takayama

Have been having far too much fun to blog these past few days!! Will try and combine two posts into one here. Our next day we were in Matsumoto until about noon so our group went to. The famous Black Crow castle. Surrounded by all of the snow it was a gorgeous setting for the black and white castle and its grounds. Of course, with the snow comes the cold, so we were eager to get back to the hotel and head off for Takayama in a warm bus. The drive there was absolutely gorgeous, as the Japanese Alps were thickly covered in snow.

Once in Takayama we put our things down in the ryokan and headed off through the historic district to visit the local sake breweries! We had a tasting, much like a wine tasting and then proceeded to dinner and hang out for the evening.

The next morning Rahul, Andrew and I headed out to the morning market and looked around. I tried a bite of the local apples and it was hands down the best apple I have ever had in my life! We continued through the area and went to the Showa Museum which is home to antiques from the 50s and 60s. It was a neat little museum and we had fun looking at all of the old things and taking silly pictures.

We then got lunch in a small ramen shop and proceeded to a museum that has a collection of 1/10 scale miniatures of famous temples and buildings of Japan. The craftsmanship that went into creating each miniature was so finely detailed that the pictures I took are almost comparable to the real buildings. Next door we went into the Festival Float Museum to warm up and admire the floats from Takayamas famous festival. That evening we enjoyed dinner at a local speciality restaurant and then had fun watching Japanese videos and movies until late!


This morning we had a leisurely start and boarded the trains again for a trip into Kanazawa. Still very cold over here, but absolutely gorgeous! After checking in at the hotel we set off for the samurai district and visited a samurai's house. It was beautiful! The gardens especially were amazing and we all took many pictures. Then we went on to the Ninja Temple which was built by a feudal lord who was paranoid of invaders. There were trap doors, pits, and one way screens for hiding and escaping. We then wandered about the shopping malls for a bit until dinner. We tried a cheap local curry place that was AMAZING!!! Japanese curry is one of my favorite foods, so having it be made so well for a good price was great!

Now we're back at the hotel relaxing and preparing for an earlier start to the morning!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

day 4

Nagano & Matsumoto

We woke up extremely early yesterday to go to the Zenkoji Temple for morning chants/ blessings. Our guide for the temple led us about the grounds and described the history of each area and cultural ways of the Buddhist monks and nuns. It was a terribly cold morning but the chill meant that fewer people were there, so it made it much more intimate. To begin the services we all hurriedly lined up inside the temple main gate and kneeled to allow the head monk of the temple to bless us as he entered the grounds. He and his procession were in full garb and even their wooden sandals were beautiful. After they proceeded into the temple we followed and took off our shoes to go down under the altar and touch the 'key to paradise', which is the closest a layman is allowed to be to the Buddha enshrined in the temple. I would describe the key, but we were in total darkness and could see nothing as we wound around the passageways hoping to not fall over or run into a wall.

Then we all went onto the tatami in front of the altars and observed the monks morning rituals. Spine tingling doesn't begin to cover it!!!! The chanting and drums were mesmerizing, and being exhausted from the early morning it was a wonderful lull. Aside from the freezing cold we would have been almost in a trance.

Once they finished the morning rituals we went back to the ryokan to have a traditional breakfast before packing up to go to the SNOW MONKEYS!! We took a bus into the mountains and after a gorgeous hike through the cedar trees in the snow we came to the hot springs where they stay. The macaques were everywhere and in no way afraid of people. Watching them yell at each other and jump and swim in the water was a beautiful nature experience. I took plenty of pictures ;)

Then we had hands down the weirdest experience. A few of us tailed our tour guide to lunch in a classic French noir themed restaurant that served curry, was playing Eye of the Tiger, and had Tom and Jerry cartoons on. It was bizarre! Even the locals there were giggling about the various decorations.

After lunch it was a short train ride to Matsumoto, and we spent the rest of the afternoon wandering the city, talking, and enjoying the time. This city is a gorgeous mix of old and new with many picturesque spots. For dinner we headed to a ramen shop and then out for drinks at a bizarre little bar and then a British pub. Been a good time here!!!

day 3

What a day!! We were able to experience our first bullet train ride to get from Tokyo to Nagano. Was such an efficient and comfortable way to go that distance into the mountains. Here in Nagano we are staying in traditional temple lodgings, and have been running about the ryokan taking pictures of everything imaginable.

Once arriving and settling in we headed out to visit the Zenkoji Temple, which is what the town was developed around. The grounds are sprawling and full of ancient structures and carvings of every type. It was very peaceful, not bustling like the temple in Tokyo. My little crew browsed the street vendors and shops and munched on apple dumplings and ice cream that was buckwheat and green tea flavored. Surprisingly delicious!! I have a million pictures of the grounds and cannot wait to put them up!

After a lunch of soba and wandering those of us who were brave packed into taxis to visit the local onsen, which is a hot spring bath. Now, if you know anything about onsen, you will understand our you MUST enter the baths in the nude and it is public. The baths are separated by sex, but it is traditional to have coed. This one was separate. Our tour leaders are men, so it was up to me to lead the women in the proceedings as there are rules and etiquette to follow. I wish I could just live at a hot was amazing!!!!! Soaking in the warm water looking at the gorgeous mountain scenery and having casual conversation is officially one of life's greatest pleasures.

After our relaxing bath we got ready for dinner and went to an Italian place that our guide Tyler thought was the best food in town, and it was! The best Italian food I've ever had was in Japan. Rahul and I spent the several hours sharing a bottle of Japanese wine and discussing social issues, which we both agreed on so it was an animated debate that was teaching no one anything. After dinner a few of us wandered the temple at night to enjoy the lights, as there was a festival celebration going on

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

day 2

Having got in late last night I didn't get a chance to really collect and write down my thoughts from our first full day here. It was such a packed day that I hope I get it all written down and don't leave things out!

We started our day easily with a trip to the Tsukiji Fish Market, which handles massive amounts of the seafood coming into Japan. The market is fully running and tourists are only allowed in once the early morning bartering has been completed. We had breakfast in the outer market at a sushi shop run by one of the best sushi chefs in the market. He was in his 60s and had been a sushi chef since the age of 15!! It was hands down the best sushi I have ever had, or will ever have. We all crowded around the little bar and watched as he prepared our food from fish that had been caught just hours before. It was the perfect start to our time here.

After breakfast we walked single file about the market proper and snapped photos as we walked and tried not to be in the way of the buyers and vendors. There were mountains of fish of every type, bloodied tables and carcasses, and most impressive of all NO FISHY SMELL. The catches were so fresh that there was no typical fish smell as there is near the fish counters in grocery stores. And many of the sellers would get our attention and pose with a catch for us! Most controversial of all we did see two vendors for whale, which was a beautiful color and was only the meat from one whale. Not the massive killings as you read about, but just one of the large population of Mink whales.

After the market we walked to the H Garden and explored the beauty of the whiter foliage. Most trees here hold their green colors during winter and it is traditional to have the gardens look their best during all seasons. In the center of the garden was the tea house where Ulysses S Grant met with a shogun and had tea. We enjoyed a traditional tea ceremony with the frothy bright green matcha tea in a tatami mat room. Was breathtaking to sip tea while looking out the windows at the surrounding beauty.

We then took a river bus to the more 'old town' Asakusa area where we visited the Sensoji Temple. With its massive Thundergate and the huge amount of pilgrims there on pilgrimage it was a bustling experience. The architecture and atmosphere were amazing. We received our fortunes as payment for entering the grounds and proceeded to cleanse our bodies before entering the temple to observe and take photos. The religious atmosphere was humbling and showed the more traditional side of Tokyo.

Having explored the shops and area to grab some ramen lunch we headed to the Harajuku area to visit the Meiji Shrine for the other side of Japan's religion. The grounds are home to types of trees from all over the country and is picturesque. Not the bustling market of the temple, but instead contemplative. We wandered the grounds and took pictures to our hearts content. I got to see 'ema' which are wooden plagues with prayers and thanksgivings written on them. I've had a few moments of confusion, as my name is an actual word here, and people think I'm saying random words instead of my name!!

Then we split off and my crew went to the local Starbucks to rest a bit before venturing into Shibuya. This is where the massive neon and signs are with the largest and busiest crossing. Thousands of people crossing in every direction at once!!! Was a wonderful experience. We wandered into a small restaurant whose name I don't know and had a relaxing dinner of amazing food and beers. After that we found some of the micro-bars and sat and talked for hours before going to the hotel to continue and talk until well past midnight!! Needless to say, we are exhausted this morning.

Today is off to Nagano for soba, the Zenkoji Temple, and SNOW MONKEYS

Monday, February 11, 2013

day 1

I'm never coming back to America.

I've been in Japan a total of 8hrs and I am already in deep love with this country. There hasn't been a single thing that has disappointed me or even been close to a negative. Even getting (feeling) lost on the train was still an amazing experience! There's just so much life and peace here...I wish I could convey it to everyone!!!

I must expand in getting lost on the train, as I'm sure my mother will be anxious upon reading that. I was never 'lost' but just felt lost. I accidentally took the long route instead of the quick route to the hotel from the airport so my 30 min train ride became 2 hrs....but it was awesome!! I got to see the outskirts of Tokyo, all the rice fields, small towns, bamboo groves, and gorgeous architecture. And THAT was my first view of Japan :) Not just instant urban, but the side of Japan that I love learning and reading about. Fortunately, an English teacher was next to me on the train and helped me with the maps once he woke up from his nap, and a very nice Australian man literally knew instantly that I was lost once I got off at my station and got me going to the hotel in no time. Everyone here is nice. Everything is clean. It's unreal.

As for my group there are 11 of us and 2 tour guides. We have Tyler, the main guide, and Andrew who is in training to take over Tyler's job. They've both lived here for years and are incredibly knowledgable. And I think Andrew is enjoying getting to talk to some people who for once know what he means when he references his home of Texas. Our group is mostly older couples or older solo travelers. I'm the youngest and only solo female but have hit it off with the two other younger travelers who have been incredibly welcoming and kind.

We all had dinner at a local izakaya (Japanese pub) which included many dishes of typical bar food. Loved everything I ate and loved the fun carefree conversation even more! After I hit up a convenience store for some tea and a bed time snack, took a relaxing bath, and am sitting in bed letting my hair dry before turning in :)

There is far more to tell than what could fit in a quick blog post, but I must be up early for the Tsukiji Fish Market!! More to come!!

in flight

Here I am, 30,000+ ft in the air and I'm writing my blog post to publish once I land. It's a 13 hr flight from Toronto to the Narita Airport in Tokyo, and right now there are 3 hrs left!! So close!

I regret not bringing my knitting with me, I was trying to save space in my luggage and decided to just sleep and play around on the iPad. However, Air Canada has a pretty awesome movie and tv show selection so I've been enjoying watching a few things. Currently have an episode of Property Brothers playing :) can't live without my Scott brothers!!

The best thing about this flight is that I have an entire row of seats to myself..literally. I paid thousands less for my economy class seats than the premium ones, and yet I guarantee you I have more room than they do!! Been stretched out and took a good nap, easy when you can just put up the arm rests and lay completely flat with all 3 of the complementary pillows!!!

Also, the mid-flight Cup of Noodles Ramen was awesome. I love me some instant ramen, and somehow it tasted even better in the air.

Only downside is that now I have 3 hrs left to go and I'm completely freaking out. I don't feel prepared at all and am incredibly nervous. (Probably should have brought a Valium to take at the beginning of the flight....)

I haven't had a chance to practice my Japanese yet. Which is a funny story actually! Because I had my connection through Toronto, the people aboard this flight assume that I'm Canadian, as they weren't with me on the little prop plane from Columbus. And so they've been speaking to me in French. Broken French with a Japanese accent actually...and it's incredibly strange. I'm one of 3 white people on board. Having lived in Dublin, OH my entire life, this is a first for me. But I feel like I fit right in, I broke open my chopsticks and dug right into my ramen happily slurping away!! The guy across the aisle gave me a satisfied nod that I asked for and could use chopsticks (that's a win in my bookn!!!)

Well, I'll post this once we land and I have wifi again, just had some time to kill and felt like updating :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

taking flight

I have landed in Canada! And it's not too exciting to be honest..feels just like America.

One thing I have felt that is different, is that I've realized just how alone I am right now. On the long walk through the terminal from the farthest gate I felt like saying something to my fellow passengers from Columbus, but I had to stop myself, because they don't know me. I fact, not a single person in this airport knows me. And it's kind of a freeing feeling which I could easily get used to.

How I just have to wait through a short layover and I'll be on my way to Tokyo!!!

I attached a picture of Lake Erie from the plane...not the best but it proves I've actually left the country for the first time in my life :)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

1 day to go: packing time!

I have to fit 2 weeks of clothes, toiletries, etc into one carry-on. While technically I don't have to, it is considered rude in Japan to take up large amounts of space on trains, and because I will be traveling by train only I need as small of luggage as possible.

Here's a picture of the dilemma:

Thankfully I also have a large tote to put liquids and everything else I can in.  It has been an interesting week of shopping and trying to hunt down certain items.  For example, my medication list from the doctor specifically stated 'Motrin', but I couldn't find a container of Motrin that was small enough to only have a 30 day supply.  Looked high and low for a small bottle of it, but no success for that particular brand.  So, I had the doctor re-write the form to state 'Ibuprofen' so that I could grab the travel size Advil.  Very confusing, very time consuming.

And of course, being a girl, I wanted to look my best while abroad so my mother and I had a fun time running about trying to find a jacket that would match my backpack and later a tote that would match my jacket (thank you Meredith for your help on that!!)

So in conclusion, I leave in less than 24 hrs...and I am completely freaking out.  But it's a good freaking out!  I'm excited, a little nervous, and not too sure that I'm prepared enough for this.  All I know is that this adventure is going to be healing and of course be a blast!!

また後で !! (Later!)