Wednesday, January 5, 2011

i'm not entirely sure what i should write about. i haven't updated in a long time, not because i was having writers block or anything, mostly because this past fall as been completely insane for me. there were a lot of things that i have put off for a very long time that i needed to work through and deal with. i almost didn't make it out with my sanity, but thanks to the amazing support of my family and best friend i'm back on my feet and starting to learn how to walk again.

i've learned so much about myself through all of this (i'm not going to come out and share what it was; email, text, or anything if you'd like to know). the biggest lesson was that i have to trust that things will be ok. i've always struggled with that, but i really had to take the leap of faith and just let myself be while my mind healed and reset the habits that it had formed. i hope to keep that lesson in the back of my mind so that i won't ever forget to be calm and let things flow as they may, because you can only control what you can control. all else is just water under the bridge.

hopefully i'll start blogging again, so keep checking for updates!

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