Saturday, January 22, 2011

low fat, no salt, how about just healthy??

before i started this school year i had decided that i would not only devote myself to doing well in regards to my class work, but also to taking really good care of myself.  as with all goals i had a romanticized view of how things would be.  i would work out three times a week in the gym downstairs, cook lots of healthy meals, and just generally be an overachiever.  none of that ended up happening, aside from school work, and when fall quarter ended i felt quite disappointed in myself.  with it being a difficult time for me in general, i haven't worried too much about it.  i did that best i could, but now i feel like i should be able to achieve my goals...with some revisions.

a few weeks ago i managed to run two separate miles.  how i got through a mile run without having exercised...well, beyond me, but doing it twice really boosted my confidence.  i evn started cooking again! a few nights ago was steak with broccoli and i have a few other recipes stashed for when i have the time in the evenings to cook.  i felt so good making it and even better knowing that what i feed myself is good for me.  i wilted last year with the 'food' offered at campus dining.  there were many days when i would be sick after eating food that was ill prepared, extremely greasy and laden with preservatives, or not even cooked enough.  my body is quite pleased with the changed and is rewarding me with the energy to go run those miles!  i hope to keep up these changes and make them a lifelong habit!

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