Thursday, July 22, 2010

5 guilty pleasures ( and why i love them )

yes knitting, that odd crafty hobby that we all picture little old ladies doing. i started my addiction to knitting quite a few years ago during my sophomore year of high school. though i didn’t become in love with it until this past summer, i’ve always enjoyed it. there’s something about the fact that i can sit and enjoy alone time while making something beautiful ( if all turns out well ). i’ll be posting pictures and little updates about my projects randomly on here, so to all you haters…I LOVE IT. i used to try to hide my knitting love until spring break this year when i decided to head out of the realm of scarves and tackle a much larger obstacle, cardigans. and i have successfully finished my sage green cardigan with little pink flower accents! while it’s seen as a weird hobby, i find it relaxing. i don’t try to hide it anymore, i was proud to show everyone in my dorm what i was doing while they all went out and partied it up. i made an article of clothing all by myself, nothing to be ashamed of.

when we were all younger cartoons were the staple of our Saturday mornings and after school snack moments. today, i still love them, though i have grown out of the digimon and pokemon phase and into full blown anime. a lot of people find it peculiar but i love to just sit and watch a random cartoon every now and then or watch a full anime series start to finish. it takes me back to those mornings when i would sit in the living room and be fascinated while eating my cereal. although, lately i have found a few friends who also enjoy these with me, and it’s made me ‘come out of the closet’ about my cartoon love. no longer ashamed to watch Naruto or Spongebob in solitude, and proud of it!

three. CATS
i will be that crazy elderly woman down the road who is widowed and compensates for her loss by adopting 20 cats. it’s an inevitable fact of my life, and i have finally embraced that. most people my age don’t find cats very exciting, or only enjoy them when they’re hyped up on cat nip and can fit in the palm of your hand. me? i love them anyway they come. i recently started volunteering at my local humane society to help lift the adoptable cats spirits by coming in and giving them much needed attention. while it certainly is fun to be able to play with cats for hours at a time, my favorite part is getting to know each cats own personality. on my last visit i got to know Petunia, a sweet little calico who is extremely affectionate but when she sees other cats has a panic attack and can only be calmed down by being carried into a small room and held for a while. also, Allen, a 5 month old tabby who is so desperate for attention that he knocks over his food bowl and kicks littler around his cage so that you are forced to take him out and hold him while you clean it. cats amaze me with the way that they convey the depth of their emotion and individual preferences. while a dog will always be happy no matter what, a cat will pout and sulk if you don’t pet him enough, or will throw a tantrum if it can’t figure out how to open a door, or will purr and rub all over you when you find just the right spot to scratch. i’m crazy i know, but i know what i love, and i most definitely love cats.

i can’t even begin to describe the excitement i get when a new technology is put on the market or a press release is given about a new innovation that is being tested. i’m no engineer, but learning about all the new possibilities in the world of science is something i am borderline addicted to. i constantly am ‘stumbling’ around from site to site related to technology and learning about all the amazing new things. just recently i saw an article about how contact lenses are being made in such a way that they can project images into your eye, making it seem as though you are actually seeing the images. effectively, it turns your vision into a computer screen, tv, phone, anything you want. i can’t wait until this is a definite reality, i want to try them super bad.

as a stereotypical woman i enjoy to cook and bake. there is something about the simple knowledge that if you combine this, this other thing, and that you will end up with something that tastes great. although the best part is sharing it with others and knowing that you did a good job, i really enjoy messing with recipes and making them my own. ask my high school drumline what kind of cheesecake they like. the majority answer will be ‘emma’s cheesecake’. i make it slightly different than the recipe says and it always turns out richer and creamier than if i had followed things exactly. ask my ex where he ate the best ribs at, he’ll tell you ‘the ribs emma made me for my birthday’. i combined two different recipes and deduced what the best part of each was to make ribs that are completely detached from the bone, marinated in rub, and slathered with sauce by the end of the 12 hour process. i love cooking. i love baking. and i WILL be sharing pictures and thoughts on recipes i try this coming year in my apartment. expect to have your tummies rumbling!

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