Wednesday, April 10, 2013

ヤフー!!Fantastic News!!

I've been selected as a final candidate!!  Got the email this afternoon that they would like to interview me in person when they are in Columbus!!!

And now...I just have to wait another month.  However, there is plenty to do in that month!  I'll have a huge amount of paperwork and such to fill out and submit, references to collect, calls to make with my recruiter to set things up, and a lesson plan to make.  Going to be packed!  I'm not as nervous for this last part, I'm far better in person than I am over the phone, so if I made it through that then I am sure to do fine later.

During this last section I'll be having a conversation with my recruiter in person, attending an information session, and giving a short presentation of a personal introduction (English and Japanese) as well as a demo-lesson.  That last part will be video taped and sent to the Japan office where they make final selections.

I'm hoping that my preference for being within a 1 hr train ride from Tokyo will work out, but if not I will literally work anywhere they want me to.  I just want to be back!  My draw to Tokyo is based more on knowing a few people who live there and less on the city itself.  Don't get me wrong, I loved Tokyo, but being able to maybe visit the only two people I know in the country would be a huge relief to any loneliness I'll encounter.

Ah I'm just so excited!!  My mom and I have been celebrating all evening, calling friends and family to tell them the good news!  Only my grandmother voiced some concern about my decision...she's wondering who will make the dressing and fudge during the holidays while I'm away!!!

I'll have plenty more to add later once I really sit down and look over the materials.  I let myself spend this evening relaxing from all the anxiety and just skimmed the info in the email.  Plus, now that I have hiragana and katakana under my belt, I'm even more prepared!  (Nervousness made me focused on learning that incredibly fast)

So for now, じゃね!!

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