Monday, January 2, 2012

2011; a year in review

i can’t believe i’m finally able to say this, but i am truly proud of this past year.

here are the highlights from my perspective (no particular order):

1. i'm graduating college a year early
it's taken a lot of work to get to this point. i've added an entire year of classes to another year, and while it's an insane amount of work at times, the end result will be very much worth it.  i'm going to apply for graduation in the next month or so, and begin job searching once that is approved!  i always wanted to go through college at an accelerated rate, and finding out that i could easily do it was such a relief. i'm ready to take on the 'real world'.

2. ryan and i
this won't be a long annoying post about how much i love my boyfriend (although yes i do), i don't need to bother everyone with that.  what i will share is how happy i am to be with someone who has loved me for who i am and treats me so well.  having ryan's support this year has helped more than i can say, just knowing that someone is cheering me on through the bad and the good is so comforting.  i can't wait to see what this next year will bring for us.

3. i've come a long way with recovery
2010 was absolute hell for me with my PTSD, and while the beginning of 2011 wasn't the greatest, in the past 6-7 months i've been coming along so quickly.  things aren't 100 percent yet, but the difference between how i am now and how i was is like night and day.  i'm sleeping now, i'm eating well, and overall my perspective on life has become more optimistic.  i know this will be something that will effect me throughout my life, but i can't complain about how things are now.  i'm so excited to continue to do well.

4. i joined the knitting club
and it's been amazing!  i've never been one to have many girl friends, and in general i have difficulties getting along with the immaturity you see in so many girls my age. but this group of girls is wonderful!  i look forward to our few hours every week and really enjoy getting to know everyone and sharing in many laughs together.  if i'm in Columbus after graduation, i hope they will still let me attend!!

5. i've been healthy
for the first 6 months of 2011 i was pretty ill.  i was constantly developing severe hives and felt horrible most of the time.  but once we found out and began avoiding the two foods that i had developed an allergy to, i felt better than i ever have!  without all the processed and carb laden foods in me i've had more energy than i did in the past and have just felt...better!  living a healthy lifestyle can do wonders for your body, i encourage everyone else to do the same.

i’m sure there is much more, but that is what comes to mind right now while i’m reflecting on the past year. there is plenty i wish could have gone better, and things i did not like, but this year has had no major problems. i wasn’t being abused, bullied, or hurt in anyway. and it has been wonderful to have the time to repair myself and be able to move forward with my life.

2012, bring it on :)

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