Wednesday, March 30, 2011

shopping haul!!

hello again dear readers, i’m finally making a new post! after not having any ideas on what to cover i finally found some inspiration from youtube, but this will not be a video blog, i’m camera shy when it comes to video taping ( never liked my voice recorded ) so this is purely writing. and pictures of course!

at the beginning of every school year my favorite part of getting ready has been supplies shopping, and now that i'm in college it's only gotten worse! now instead of only having one start of the year i have three quarters to get ready for. this spring i had used up all my spiral notebooks and my folder fell apart last quarter so it was time for school shopping, and also other shopping as well. i can never leave target with just what i came for:)

first off is my lovely folder and notebook paper. i went another step past just composition books and went for flat paper. being a lefty, it's impossible to write in notebooks because the binding is always in the way, so now there isn't that problem. and i liked the color bar at the top.

i also got myself a new planner, since i lost the other one i had. i love the pattern and it will be small enough to keep in my purse and not clutter it up, which is always a problem for me. unfortunately as i was excitedly about to write in assignment due dates i realized that the planner was july i can't use it. i'm heading back out after i post this to get one for this year, as well as stocking up on my purple bic pens!

i love target's $1 area!! i rarely get anything from there but am always looking for something cute and fun to grab for cheap. i spotted an alice in wonderland coloring book so now i'll have mandatory chill time to color and listen to music during the quarter.

another grab was a set of large foam rollers. i have recently been on a mission to curl my hair and with many many many failures ( curled for an hour last night, can't you tell haha ) i've decided to return to what i used to do. i had a set of small foam rollers when i was little and would sometimes put my hair up in them overnight and they ALWAYS worked, so i figure that these should work now. will most likely be posting a blog about how that goes:)

ah i love grocery hauls, especially when all of it plus some snacks and miscellaneous other needs only cost me $25! a good little splurge to start off if only the weather would cooperate!!

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