Sunday, August 8, 2010

trying new things pt. 1

for the past year or so I have joined a friend in having our 'bizarre food' days where we select the oddest foods we can find at the local specialty store and trying them out. we have vastly expanded our repertoire of foods we love ( and some we dislike ) today while at the store i spotted a kiwano, or horned melon, and had to get it and try. so now i present to you, an African Horned Melon...

this may look weird, but let me assure you, it gets even weirder as i proceeded to cut it open...

after reading up on how to eat these odd fruits i found that you suck the small sacks of fruit around the seeds out. so i did. it tasted like a cross between a cucumber and lemon. not as refreshing as i thought once i cut it open. needless to say, i don't think i will be buying these again in the near future, i will leave that up to the other bizarre food fans who wish to try for themselves.

although the weirdest fact of all was that my cat enjoys the taste of these things. i could not make that up.

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